Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I went and bought the Fitbit today. I am so in love with the silly thing already. I have been really good about eating all day. Dinner was a bit harder but somehow I am still allowed another 200 calories. As I sip my red wine I realize I am probably going to break even for today. For day one I think this is a major success. Tomorrow is back to reality. I have no more holidays left and it's back to work.

Lunch tomorrow is all packed (something so extremely rare for me)
A cabbage salad with raw nuts and an olive oil with reduced sodium soya sauce dressing.
Oikos 0% coconut yogurt
Gala Apple

I will probably eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning if I have time. If not my purse is stocked with protein bars to stash in my desk for all those days I forget my meal and am tempted by all the temptations. (I work in a grocery store which makes it either really easy because I am surrounded by healthy food OR really hard because when a craving strikes ANYTHING I want is within walking and grabbing distance)

The cabbage salad I made is a variation of a way saltier and unhealthy version I fell in love with last summer. I take out all the unnecessary carbs, salt and seasoning and am left with something only about 150-200 calories for a massive bowl. I added lots of raw nuts this time for a bit of crunch and to make it more filling as it is becoming my meal rather than my side so it's probably closer to 300-350 a bowl. I will calculate that tomorrow with my fitness pal.

I also know I keep saying that I will do my measurements but I couldn't buy a tape measure today. The store I went to was completely sold out. I have a walmart and two dollar stores near my work so I will definitely buy one tomorrow and get all my measurements done within the next day or two.

I apologize for the randomness of this post. Once I am more established in this blog I will have specific posts. Meals, workouts, my bizarre existence etc. Until then have fun deciphering the crazy!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


 The holidays are a predictable time to start getting healthy but both times I have done this it is purely coincidence that it falls during this time of year. I will specify that I completely support any reason people find to join a gym/ eat better/ or get active so if new years is your reason then HIGH FIVE!

I spent today restocking my refrigerator for two reasons. One being that my fridge was pathetically college student empty (I am not a college student) and the second being that I needed a restock of health food. I find if there are any temptations around in that first week as I withdraw from the overabundance of carbs/ sugars/ trans fats/ alcohol/ and munchies in general then I do much worse. Funny that once I lose the first few pounds I no longer am tempted by the junk and am instead inspired by my success to keep going. I just have to make it through those first few weeks.

Of course on my day of shopping I forgot to buy a measuring tape to take all my measurements (my puppy demolished my last one) and I very nearly bought a Polar ft4 but was appalled at the price at Sportchek when it is literally $80 cheaper on Amazon. So I didn't buy my polar ft4 either.

Once all the groceries were put away I decided to do some research on other weight-loss gadgets. I am really happy I didn't buy my ft4 today because I think after all my internet searching, review reading, youtube watching and cost comparing I have decided that I want the Fitbit Flex instead.

So tomorrow I am going to head out with my Christmas gift cards in hand and buy myself a fitbit which is surprisingly way cheaper than a polar ft4 at Sportchek.

I found my weight-loss journal that I started last year. I have all my original measurements from last year, my original weight and BMI too. It makes me sad that I was too disappointed in myself to take before pictures last year. I will post all my stats tomorrow after my measurement taking but I am happy to see that even though I spent the last 6 months slacking due to plantar fasciitis I am still starting 25 pounds lighter than I was last year.

I think it's important to celebrate every success so you never find a reason to doubt yourself, or give yourself an excuse to stop. So here's to 2014 the year I finally finish!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Blog number 16.. at least

Oh look, I've started another blog.

The difference between this blog and the very first one I started, at least 12 years ago, is that this is the very first one I am writing purely to keep myself accountable. I don't know if anyone will read it and at this point I can't worry about it. One day in the future I may just be 100 pounds lighter and this blog can be the inspiration for another girl who is starting out like me.

But for now I need to write.

I need to not binge. I need to remember what I am eating. I need to make sure I am exercising. When I take to pen and paper it works. I held myself accountable and lost 30 pounds all while quitting smoking. (WOOHOO) The problem with pen and paper being that I can easily lose it, or forget about it or run out of journal time so here I sit on my laptop creating another blog. How can I forget about this one when I am on the computer every day?

Tomorrow I will be purchasing a new measuring tape and formulating my new running/ gym schedule. I have a few goals in mind but I will be setting my first goals as well as giving my weight and measurements. Let's not forget the completely fun before photos!!